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The aim of all IB programmes is to develop globally- minded people who recognize our common humanity, a responsibility for shared guardianship of the planet, and wish to create a better and more peaceful world. All potential applicants are expected to read and review the IB Learner Profile.

  • We encourage students to consider the IB Program if they are interested in striving to develop the traits listed in the Learner Profile.
  • Applicants should be internally motivated to produce their best work and demonstrate commitment to a challenging and rigorous learning environment.
  • Students who met the provincial standard in Language, Mathematics, Science, French, History and Geography in Grades 7 and 8 are encouraged to consider the program.
  • All potential applicant and their parent/guardian/caregiver are encouraged to attend at least one of the IB Open Houses to gain insight and understanding around the nature of this program.
  • Students not pursuing the International Baccalaureate program will be expected to return to their designated school by address.
  • Students interested in attending an International Baccalaureate program are required to submit an Expression of Interest along with their completed Central Student Interest Program Application. See the  Application and Admissions webpage for more details.

If the number of applicants exceeds the number of spaces available, applicants will be eligible for the random selection process.

Please visit the monarch park IB Google Site for more information
Ontario Secondary School Diploma
(OSSD) Program

The Ontario Secondary School Diploma is a diploma granted to high school graduates in the province of Ontario. It is awarded to all students who complete the Ontario education curriculum. In order to complete the curriculum students must complete 18 compulsory and 12 elective credits. A complete list of these credits is available by following the link below.

International Baccalaureate Diploma
Programme (IBDP)
Update on IB Fees (October 31, 2024)

The TDSB has five schools that offer the International Baccalaureate program, which is significantly valued by students, parents and the community. Currently, the average cost of running the International Baccalaureate program is $3300/student.

A fee of $3300 will begin for attendance in the International Baccalaureate program beginning for students entering Grade 9 in September 2025. Grade 9 and 10 students currently enrolled in the program will be required to pay a portion of these fees.

  • Grade 8 applicants offered placement in an IB program for September 2025 must pay their non-refundable Grade 9 fee ($550) upon acceptance (December 2024 - February 2025). 
  • Current Grade 9 students must pay their Grade 10 fee ($550) to confirm their return to the program before February 1, 2025 in addition to the Grade 11 & 12 fees outlined below.
  • Current Grade 10 students will be required to pay their Grade 11 & 12 fees ($1100 per year) for the upcoming year at course selection time in February 2025 and for Grade 12 in February 2026.
  • Fees are non-refundable for students who leave the IB program before completion.
  • Students not continuing in the program will return to their home school by address.


Subsidies will be available for students whose household income is under $50, 000, supporting student access to programs. Further information will be provided in the coming weeks.

International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) information

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) is a two-year educational programme primarily aimed at students aged 16–19. The program provides an internationally accepted qualification for entry into higher education and is recognised by many universities worldwide.

Monarch Park Collegiate has been an International Baccalaureate world school since 2007. Students in the IB Diploma Program complete rigorous academic courses that, in many cases, go well beyond the regular secondary school curriculum. Additionally, students are expected to engage in extracurricular activities and to be active members of their local and greater communities. Students in the IB Diploma Program are diligent and engaged learners and emerge from the program as well rounded individuals with the independent critical thinking skills required to be productive members of our global society. Students complete courses in 6 Subject Areas: Studies in Language and Literature, Language Acquisition, Individuals and Societies, Experimental Sciences, Mathematics and the Arts. Students also complete additional "Core Elements" which include the Theory of Knowledge course,  Extended Essay and 150 Hours of extracurricular learning and reflection (CAS - Creativity, Activity, Service).

Final exams are internationally standardized. Students write externally set exams which are marked by educators employed by the International Baccalaureate. Universities around the world recognize the program and, in many cases, offer scholarships and advanced placement for students who have achieved high scores in the IB Diploma.

IB Learner Profile document
IB Mission Statement document

IB Diploma Program Graduate Testimonial

Parental Perspective

10 Reasons Why the IB Program

IB Diploma Course Offerings at Monarch Park

In the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program, students study 3 subjects at the Higher Level (HL) and 3 subjects at the Standard Level (SL).

At Monarch Park, our IB Courses are:
English Literature (HL)
Mathematics (SL) 
French (SL)
Biology (HL or SL)
Chemistry (SL)
Psychology (HL or SL)
Global Politics (HL or SL)

Special Education Programs

At Monarch Park Collegiate we accommodate many types of students with special education needs. All students with formal special education identification are also entitled to receive supports as outlined on their Individual Education Plan (IEP).

Independent Living Program:

The program focuses on developing life skills following an alternative curriculum. The curriculum is aimed at building skills in the following areas: communication, social skills, self-regulation, functional academics (literacy and numeracy), activities of daily living, motor skills and experiential learning. 

Mobility Resource Program:

Provides support to meet the physical and learning needs of students with varying physical challenges who are taking credit courses with the support of the Mobility Resource Program (MRP). The MRP provides support that is designed to assist students who, because of their physical needs, may be unable to carry a full course load. This is scheduled as a non-credit course on these students' timetables.

Students in this program are placed centrally through the TDSB Special Education Department.

Support for Students with Learning Disabilities (LD):

Provides different levels of support to students who have been identified with a learning disability. LD students can be supported in a variety of ways.

For students placed in regular class, regular subject teachers liaise with the school Assistant Curriculum Leader for Special Education and are expected to support students through strategies outlined in the Individual Education Plan (IEP). Support can also include course modifications that permit credit accumulation and access to locally developed, compulsory and/or optional credit courses designed to provide an opportunity for students to upgrade knowledge and skills. Withdrawal assistance can be provided by a Special Education teacher on staff as part of school-based Resource assistance.

Special course options for students on IEPs include Secondary Learning Strategies (GLE). Students may take up to four credits in GLE during their secondary school career. This course allows students to improve their study skills in areas such as organization, studying, time-management, assignment completion, test preparation, language development and team-building.

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